Data Archive

The LONI Image & Data Archive (IDA) is a secure system for the archival of neuroimaging data that protects subject confidentiality by restricting access to authorized users.  IDA provides an interactive and secure environment for storing, searching, updating, sorting, accessing, tracking and manipulating neuroimaging and relevant clinical data.  Archiving data is simple, secure and only requires an internet connection.  The archive provides flexibility in establishing metadata and can accommodate one or more research groups, species, or sites.
The IDA is a simple yet effective tool for secure data transmission and storage, archiving neuroimaging data, integrating data de-identification, and download functionality. The integrated de-identification engine de-identifies all major medical image file formats (DICOM, GE, NIfTI, Minc, HRRT, ECAT), and the integrated translation engine allows users to download images in the file format of their choice. The system rests upon a fail-safe and redundant architecture with all data backed up daily.

The IDA works for small collaborations as well as large, multi-site studies. More than 50,000 images have been archived in IDA by investigators from scores of institutions worldwide.

Data Management and Archive

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