Collaborator Application

Investigators desiring access to LONIR compute and/or data resources must complete this application form. The application review process and an e-mail notification of approval/disapproval are typically completed within a few days of receipt.

LONIR collaborations are reviewed annually to ensure that usage conforms to established guidelines and resources are being used for the purposes intended when we applied to NIH for funding of the Resource. Because we are required by our funding agency, the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NIBIB), to submit a detailed annual progress report summarizing usage of our resources, all LONIR collaborators will be required to provide updated information on collaborative projects annually.

* indicates a required field

Principal Investigator Information

Project Information

Project includes the use of:*
For a brief overview of LONIR projects, please see Research page.


Resource Request

A description of the types of services we provide can be found here.
If the type of service you are requesting is not listed above, please include a description of the service in your justification.
*Justification: Please describe IN DETAIL the basis for your request of the resources listed above.
By clicking “Submit” and requesting an account you agree that you will acknowledge support from the LONIR in all future publications by listing the grant number (P41-EB015922) in the Acknowledgements section.